Welcome! - My First Blog Post

Date Created: May 16, 2021 (UTC)
Last Updated: May 16, 2021 (UTC)

I developed this blog from scratch so I could share with the community a solution I architected for a client. I'm not a web designer, but I think I did a good job for my first blog site. For the comment system, I chose Disqus, because it had a bunch of features I wanted in a blog commenting system. I was going to build my own commenting system, but Disqus was a lot easier to implement.

When I initially received the requirement from my client, I searched high and low looking for a solution. I saw a couple of forum posts asking how to do it, but no one provided an answer.

Initially I was going to add a single page to my website detailing the problem, and the solution, but upon further contemplation, I decided to create a blog instead.

I figured, why not share with the community what I have learned and developed so others can benefit.

Hence, this blog was born.

Thanks for stopping by, and if you have any questions, please ask in the comments section.


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